
☝️ Understand WeFrench in less than 3 minutes!

Paris is better with other people!

WeFrench connects expats, students and non-natives who are living in Paris. Not knowing the French language should not be a barrier to build your social circle!

It's hard to make friends in Paris...

I know what you feel.
Moving to another country, when you don't speak the language, can be a burden.
Going to Paris, getting a visa, finding a flat to rent, beginning a new job or new studies...All this effort to end feeling lost & lonely because you don't understand a word of French.It's hard to find a new social circle in France.
People already have their habits, and they won't let you enter their lives easily.
Discovering a new city, a new culture, a new work schedule alone can be really tough.But it shouldn't be like that.
We can change it.

Don't be lonely in Paris anymore!

Enter the WeFrench community and connect with other expats, students and non-natives who are already living in Paris. Ask for help about your moving, apply to social meetings and build your network, from our discussion forums to real life events.


Become a member of our online community

WeFrench is an online community built to help you discovering the Parisian life at any moment of your journey : whether you are living in Paris for years, or you are about to move to the city.The platform includes everything you need to connect with other expats, ask for help, share your discoveries and apply to social events to meet with your new network in real life.

How do we help you?

Exploring Paris

Get the news about the places to try and the social events to attend. Share your discoveries and find other expats to meet in the city.

Learning French

It's better to learn French with someone else! With our specific channel, ask for help about French language and find other people to talk French with.

Building your network

Connect with other expats online and apply for social events in real life to meet them in Paris.

Moving to Paris

Get all the information you need to move to Paris and ask other residents about : visa, renting a flat, finding a job or getting help for an administrative task.


It's far more than a group chat...

WeFrench helps you to build your social circle in Paris and explore the city with other non-natives. It gives you community help, practical information and social meetings to attend in real life. It's more than an online community, it's a new way to explore the city!

  • A community of expats, students & non-natives living in Paris 🀝

  • Live chat and discussions forums πŸ’¬

  • Thematic topics about 3 main fields : Exploring the city, Learning French, Moving to Paris 🧳

  • The news about social events, Parisian lifestyle and gatherings to attend πŸ“

  • A scheduling platform to apply for events and create your own Parisian meetings in real life πŸ‘‹

  • Q&A livestreams to get specific help πŸ§‘πŸ’»

  • Tools & resources : online maps of Paris, useful websites & administrative help... πŸ› οΈ


Hi, I'm ThΓ©o!

I'm a 23 years old content creator and entrepreneur, living in the Paris region for my entire life. At the end of 2021, I created @FrenchGuyTheo to help non-French speaker to discover Paris and the French way of life.After building a community of more than 600k French culture enthusiasts on social media, I decided to cross the online barrier and help everyone living the Parisian dream in real life.I truly believe that everyone can feel at home in Paris, and I know many of you already want it. Don't stay alone in this journey, let's build WeFrench together and help you build your life in France.


Let's build WeFrench together!

WeFrench is more than an online platform : it's a way for any non-native to build a dream life in France.
If you are planning to move to Paris, or you are already settled, WeFrench will help you exploring the city and find the best opportunities, networking and social events.
Don't wait alone for things to happen : we truly believe that humans are made to live in community.On WeFrench, you can meet people that are going through the same struggles as you, or that have already overcome them.You will never be alone anymore in Paris!

What you will get:

Sign up for free and get access to:

  • A community of expats & France enthusiasts πŸ‡«πŸ‡·

  • All the public posts, even the older ones πŸ“

  • An active live chat of expats & non-natives πŸ’¬

  • News & discussions about the Parisian life ✨

  • A group of French language learners πŸ—£οΈ

  • Discussion topics about moving to France and get help to settle in this country 🏠

Let's build our own Parisian social club

Click the button below to become a member of the WeFrench community. Don't wait to connect with other people like you, and make Paris you new home.

Β© WeFrench / FrenchGuyTheo. All rights reserved.